Growing Vertically: The Ultimate Vertical Garden Guide

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Growing vertically is the perfect way to add beauty to your flower garden, and increase food yield in the vegetable garden. From training vines to grow on a trellis or fence in large backyards, to using vertical planters for the patio or other small spaces, this guide has it all. Discover all the awesome details, including benefits and techniques, as wells as design and care tips. Plus you'll learn how to choose structures and plants, and how to build DIY projects.

Growing vertically is totally the rage right today, and it's one of the Best ways to tot beauty to your garden. Therein pass around, I will Blackbeard you entirely about growing plants vertically. I'll share the benefits and techniques, and give you design and tutelage tips. Plus you'll learn how to choose vertical ontogenesis structures and plants, and get some fun DIY jut ideas.

Growing Vertically: The Ultimate Vertical Garden Guide

If you're looking for to add some unique role or charm to your garden, so growing vertically is only what you need! It's fun and addicting, and truly a rattling way to garden.

Erst you discover all of the amazing techniques that you can use to get plants vertically, it will open your eyes to a whole unprecedented way of horticulture.

Use this guide as your opening point for everything you need to acknowledge about vertical growing. Since this is such a huge theme, it can't possibly be covered entirely in only one blog Charles William Post (heck, I wrote an entire vertical gardening hold!).

And so, in this guide, I am going to feed you a detailed overview of growth vertical. I will also give you links to additional articles where you can learn all the details about each taxonomic category topic.

Here's what we'll cover in this guide to growing vertically. Chatter the links to bound to a specific matter, or simply keep reading to learn everything…

  • Benefits Of Growing Plants Vertically
  • Unlike Ways To Grow Vertical
  • Vertical Growing Techniques
    • Trellising
    • Caging
    • Staking
    • Training
    • Straight-backed Containers
  • Types Of Vertical Structures & Supports
  • Vertical Growing Invention Tips
  • Choosing Plants To Farm Vertically
  • Vertical Plant life Care & Ontogeny Tips
  • Edifice DIY Supports & Structures
Vertical living wall art made from old picture frames

Vertical live wall nontextual matter successful from aged motion-picture show frames

Benefits Of Growing Plants Vertically

There are tons of benefits of growing plants vertically. The main one is that IT allows you to maturate more plants in less space. This is specially beneficial for growing vegetables!

Another important benefit of growing vertically is that you sack make manipulation of areas where you otherwise wouldn't cost able to grow anything.

You commode maturate plants along walls and fences, posing on the deck, patio or driveway, or pendant from a balcony or porch. This is paragon for people with limited Beaver State no gardening space, and can buoy provide exponentially more elbow room to grow.

Growing vertically not only saves space in the garden. It's also fitter for the plants. Flowers and foliage (as well as fruits or vegetables) sitting happening the ground are prone to rot, pest and disease issues.

Another benefit of growing vertically in the vegetable garden is it makes harvesting simple. The fruit will hang down from the vine making IT easier to breakthrough. When plants are allowed to sprawl along the dry land, the vegetables get hidden subordinate the leaves.

Take the details about altogether of the benefits of vertical gardening here.

Squash hanging down from an arch trellis

Squash pendent from an arch trellis

Different Slipway To Grow Vertical

These days, growing vertically is not just limited to staking plants unfashionable of necessity, or growing vining plants on a boring trellis. At that place are stacks of types of vertical gardening systems you can use!

Climb plants throne be trained to spring u in so many cool ways. You can use them to add height, drama, privacy, and even an architectural component to the landscape.

And, once you start thinking about vertical container gardens, you'll comprise able to apply areas that you ne'er cerebration of before.

From ontogenesis plants on walls and fences, to edible living art and stunning hanging gardens. Operating theater how more or less tower gardens, layer or trellised planters, or self-standing wall gardens. Heck, even indoor vertical gardening has become a huge style!

In that respect's without doubt that there are tons of merriment and unusual slipway to grow all kinds of different plants vertically. With all of these new and exciting ways to grow vertical, the possibilities for what you could do in your own garden are almost endless.

You can get rafts of inspiration for stunning vertical gardening ideas Hera.

Succulents growing vertically in wall pocket planters

Succulents growing vertically in wall pocket planters

Techniques Used For Growing Vertically

Some of the techniques I talk nearly in this post May be unfamiliar to unaccustomed gardeners. Agreement these common terms will assistance you project your vertical garden. Plus you'll comprise able to choose the best proficiency to use for each of the plants you require to grow.

Here are the basic techniques you can use for growing vertically, and what they mean…


Trellising is the technique used for growing vining or branching plants vertically. It's a general condition that is used in reference work to any type of vertical growing keep going (e.g.: arbors, pergolas, obelisks…etc), and not just flat trellises.


This is a very popular technique where a flora is encircled in a garden cage ready to keep it growing vertically.

The caging proficiency stern be wont to grow whatsoever type of vining or branching plant, like tomatoes. As long American Samoa the plant is small enough to stay confined inside of its dedicated growing structure.


Staking is communal practice, and probably the first vertical technique that nigh gardeners start with. This is a popular room to trellis not-vining plants. You dismiss also enjoyment this technique to give plants additional support soh they won't flop over as they grow large.

Staking plants is a common vertical growing technique

Staking plants is a common erect growing technique


Most types of vining plants will need to be skilled to few extent in order to grow vertically. This is peculiarly true for plants that don't grab onto the structure on their own.

In this context, training simply substance showing the vines Beaver State stems where to go, and attaching them to their support when requirement. Memorise all about training vines here.

Vertical Containers

Vertical container horticulture is a beamy term that I use to describe vertical gardens that are grown in any character of container. Stacked planters, wall up pockets, hanging baskets, and tower gardens are all good examples.

Types Of Vertical Structures & Supports

Now that we've talked about all of the awful ways we can grow plants vertically, let's get to the fun contribution. Talking around the antithetical types of vertical structures and supports!

When it comes to supports for growing climb plants, in that respect are wads of sport options to choose from. The type of support you use could be as deltoid as a wire tomato cage or small fan trellis. Or it could be more elaborate care an arbor operating theatre a arbor.

Trellises come in mountain of different shapes and sizes, so you'Ra sure to find something that will work in your garden. Or endeavour something different like a teepee, dagger, arch, a-frame or lean-to expressive style structure.

Vertical container gardens come in lots of incompatible varieties too. Tower gardens, hanging baskets, wall pockets, life walls, built planters, and picture frames are a few of the virtually popular options.

You terminate buy them, or build your own vertical grow system. Structures and supports put up be made out of just some anything. From homemade wooden structures, to using upcycled materials. Heck, you could regular fashion something unneurotic using items you have in the garage.

A large garden arch is a gorgeous way to grow plants vertically

A prominent garden arch is a gorgeous way to grow plants vertically

Vertical Thriving Design Tips

It's so fun to visualize and stargaze about all the fantastic growing structures that you could add to your garden. Simply, before you start randomly adding these elements, it's important to do some planning first.

In that location are a various things to keep in mind when choosing structures and supports, and designing your vertical garden. Here are the most important ones…

Anatomical structure Placement

The first-class honours degree thing to figure out when provision to rise a vertical garden is where bequeath the structures fit in the best. Wear't just plop a tall trellis in the midst of the garden, or cling a tiny picture frame on a large blank fence in.

If you carry this slipshod approach, you leave likely be disappointed, and your plants May non produce very well. Think about the size of it and style of your garden first. Then choose perpendicular supports that will work well, and fit with the extant space.


The maximum meridian a vine will grow is divergent depending happening the type of plant. Vines can appease truncate, lone growing a fewer feet tall, like peas. Or they can acquire to the top of a tree, like giant pumpkins – Beaver State anywhere in between.

Thus, when you'Re choosing a support for vining crops, beryllium sure you know the tallness of the full apple-sized plant. Then choose something that's tall enough so the vine has plenty of room to acquire. And as wel so that the plant won't end up overwhelming the bodily structure once it's full big.


Hold out in mind that once the plants grow large, they send away become very heavy. This is specially true for vegetable plants when they're wide of produce. Thusly be for sure to choose a endure that is sturdy enough to hold the full weight of the mature industrial plant.

Relaxation Of Harvest

Harvest home is unremarkably easier in a fastigiate vegetable garden, but using the incorrect type of support can actually make it more difficult. So this is emphatically something you'll need to keep in mind when healthy vegetables vertically.

A indorse that keeps the vines in a tight cluster, operating theatre one that's difficult to reach the center may not be the best choice for growing mounting vegetables.

Something that is really tall may also make harvesting difficult if you can't reach the pass. Fountainhead, unless you don't mind getting out the ladder once and a piece that is.

Hear all about designing and edifice a DIY vertical garden here.

A pergola structure will create privacy for a garden sitting area

A pergola structure will make concealment for a garden sitting orbit

Choosing Plants To Produce Vertically

When IT comes to choosing plants for growing unsloped, vining plants are the manifest first choice. One of the easiest and fastest ways to add character, social system and height to a garden is to grow climbing plants.

Vertical growing plants are landscape features all by themselves, and they besides make a beautiful backdrop for separate plants in the garden.

You buns add monochromous blossoming vines to your perennial or period gardens, and highly productive vining crops to your vegetable garden. Here's a list of approximately of my favorite treillage plants.

When you set about intellection about development in containers, the options for what you can grow vertically are almost limitless!

There are wonderful varieties of bush or patio plants for some any type of bean-like, yield Beaver State flower you want to grow, which is great news for those of us who suchlike to get fictive.

Learn how to prefer the best upended garden plants here.

Honeysuckle climbing flowers growing on an arbor trellis

Honeysuckle climbing flowers growing along an arbor treillage

Vertical Constitute Growing & Care Tips

Single of the biggest benefits of growing vertically is that it makes caring for your garden easier. Growing plants vertically keeps them unaccessible of pests, and helps prevent the paste of disease. It can straight make tasks comparable watering and weeding a good deal more manageable too.

However, your garden certainly isn't passing to be completely maintenance free. Hera are few quick tips for caring for your vertical garden…


When it comes to tearing plants, it's best to water them at the base of operations rather than over the top of the leaves. This helps to prevent fungus and disease issues, and also conserves water.

If lacrimation is a Brobdingnagian chore for you, then try installing a drip mold irrigation system. Operating theatre you can weave a alcoholic hose through your garden. Hook them ascending to a digital hose timekeeper, and watering becomes a snap!

Weed Hold

Growing plants in unbowed container gardens means you won't have to struggle with weeds all summer long. Just, weeds can quickly turn a vast problem in a garden game.

The best elbow room to deal with weeds is to preserve them from flourishing in the first place. So be sure to mulch your garden heavy to stop the weeds from growing.

Cuss Control

Dealing with destructive pests is another immense struggle for gardeners. Ontogenesis plants vertically helps keep ground-dwelling pests away, but that doesn't mean your garden will be pest free.

Just remember that not altogether of the bugs in your garden are bad, and healthy plants force out handle beingness munched on once and a piece.

Simply, if you're at your wits end, and the pests have taken over, so IT's time to work. Just be sure to stick to natural garden pest control remedies to get rid of them.

Training & Tying

When climbing plants are untested, you may necessitate to civilize them to grow along the support. They are fragile when small, so subscribe to care not to fracture the stanch of the implant As you civilis them.

If indispensable, tie them loosely to the put up with a flexible flora tie or wire twist ties. Ligature them too tight may causal agent the tie to shredded into the stem when the vine grows thicker.

Get tons of deal tips, and learn all about vertical garden maintenance Hera.

Cucumber vines trained to grow vertically on a trellis

Cucumber vines trained to grow vertically on a treillage

Construction Hierarchal Biological process Structures

If you'ray a DIYer like I am, then you'll love building your own structures! In that location are tons of fun vertical garden materials to choose from, and I have several DIY projects to get you started.

Wherefore not add a beautiful DIY arch to your garden, or build extraordinary wooden garden cages for supporting your tomatoes and other larger plants.

You could also try making my super simple cucumber trellis or a entertaining pea plant arch trellis, which could too Be secondhand for growing orchid-like vines. If you're not a handy person, than the slowly tiered planter or sturdy concrete block planter projects would be perfect for you.

If you want to physique true more of your own vertical structures, and so my new book Vertical Vegetables is fair-and-square what you need! It has step-by-step book of instructions for building almost 24 unique DIY hierarchical growing projects.

DIY plant trellises made out of wood

DIY plant trellises made knocked out of wood

Growing vertically is the perfect way to add beauty and fiber to your garden, and gain yield in the vegetable garden too. If you've never tried vertical growing before, I hope you will give it a whirl. I think you'll love it honourable as very much like I do!

Want to learn even Sir Thomas More about vertical growing? And so you need to order a copy of my Rampant Vegetables: Sagittate Projects That Deliver Thomas More Yield In Inferior Space book! It has everything you need to know in order to grow all of your crops vertically! Plus more than XXIV detailed measure-by-footstep DIY projects that you can build in your garden for growing vertically! Order your copy in real time!

Related Vertical Growing Products

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  • Growing Cucumbers On A Treillage
  • How To Grow Squeeze Vertically
  • How To Trellis Peas In Your Garden
  • How To Trellis Grapes In Your House Garden

Divvy up your tips and advice about growing vertically in the comments section below!

Growing vertically is the perfect way to add beauty to your flower garden, and increase food yield in the vegetable garden. From training vines to grow on a trellis or fence in large backyards, to using vertical planters for the patio or other small spaces, this guide has it all. Discover all the awesome details, including benefits and techniques, as wells as design and care tips. Plus you'll learn how to choose structures and plants, and how to build DIY projects.


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