Eu4 Do I Need a New Save for Art of War

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Release appointment / Patch

2014-10-xxx / 1.8

Store: Expansion

Shop: Content pack

Store: Music pack

Europa Universalis IV: Art of War expansion feature spotlight past EU4's project lead Martin "Wiz" Anward.

The Fine art of War expansion was announced on 2014-08-xiv[1]. It was released on 2014-10-30[2] aslope patch i.eight.

Features [edit | edit source]

  • 30 Years War: Unique mechanics and events for the religious conflict that ravaged Europe.
  • Napoleonic Era: Fight for or against the revolution and create entirely new custom client countries on the map from your conquests.
  • Fighting with Armies: You tin now sortie from sieges, and give objectives to your subjects and allies.
  • Improved Affairs: Sell Surplus Ships, Fight for your subjects CB, Declare War in back up of rebel factions in other countries and new peace options like requite up claims and pay monthly war reparations.
  • Gameplay Enhancements: Build entire armies in i click, carelessness cores that you no longer wish to fight for, and abandon entire idea groups that are no longer useful to your nation.
  • New Bookmark: A new, much more than detailed bookmark for the 30 Years War.
  • New early game season events and decisions.
  • Free Features for the accompanying patch: Completely new insubordinate mechanic, local autonomy on province level, new cardinal arrangement for Catholics, new reformation mechanics, a new look map, and new Mapmodes: the "Elementary Terrain Mapmode", the "Local Autonomy Mapmode", and the "Fort Level Mapmode".

Fleet improvements [edit | edit source]

With Fine art of War it is possible to mothball individual fleets. This reduces maintenance cost to minimum (50%) for the specific fleet. Mothballed fleets cannot move or merge with other fleets, and their strength is slowly reduced until it hits 25%. Mothballing can be undone at whatever time, at which point the ships will start to recover their strength normally.

It is also possible to upgrade individual fleets at once rather than having to build the new ships. This costs as much as it would've cost to build new ships from scratch, but is instant, and requires far less management. Strength for upgraded ships is reset to one%, so they will accept to recover in port before beingness able to fight.

A new diplomatic choice in Art of War is selling a fleet to some other nation. This can exist done as long as the fleet is in supply range of the receiver. The seller decides how much the ships volition cost, and will incur inflation proportional to the payment divided past their income.

Finally, it is possible to gear up a fleet containing transports to automatically send armies. When this is enabled the fleet will ferry armies beyond to where they're going if doing so would be quicker than walking there. Information technology is now possible to allow your allies to utilize your transport armada, to ferry their own troops across. Y'all too can take reward of their fleet.

Marches [edit | edit source]

Marches are vassals that have bonuses to a variety of military properties, namely manpower, force limits, and fort defense force. However, they cannot be annexed, and do non provide vassal income. Whatever vassal can be turned into a march.

It is possible to revoke march status, merely doing so reduces your stability by ane and severely reduces your relations with that vassal. March condition is also lost if your subject grows likewise large over the max basetax of 60 (this limit no longer applies every bit of Patch ane.12).

Revamped peace mechanic [edit | edit source]

The peace screen now explicitly lists the nations involved on either side, and shows their opinion of the offered peace treaty. Allied relations can either meliorate or deteriorate with the war leader depending on how he deals with the peace terms. Information technology is now possible to make enemies revoke claims on provinces, and to force them to pay state of war reparations (x% of income) for the elapsing of the truce.

Sorties [edit | edit source]

Garrisons can now sortie to endeavor to suspension a siege. The Sortie button is accessed from the Siege Screen. When pressed, an army is generated in the province, equal to the forcefulness of the province's garrison, at the price of ten armed services monarch points.

If the ground forces performing the sortie is wiped out in combat, then the attacker automatically seizes control of the province, otherwise the army disengages after battle and returns to garrisoning the province. They are equanimous entirely of infantry.

Centrolineal objectives [edit | edit source]

Allied objectives gives the player more influence over the actions of AI allies and subjects in wars. Allied objectives are divide into two parts: province objectives and subject armed forces focuses. Province objectives are handled from the province screen and allows the thespian to tell their AI allies to focus on specific enemy provinces. This will both make them more likely to send armies to besiege that province and to engage enemy armies that are located in it.

Bailiwick armed services focuses are handled from the subjects screen and permit the thespian to change the military priorities of their subject nations to either aggressive or supportive. Aggressive subjects volition not attach to your armies and will instead focus on their own operations, engaging enemy armies and besieging their provinces. Supportive subjects will comport in the contrary style, attaching to or staying nigh friendly armies and avoiding independent operations in enemy territory. If you have no military focus set, they will behave as they currently do, attempting to gauge for themselves when information technology is best to attach and when it is best to act independently. The military focus tin be changed or removed at any fourth dimension, and you can easily change the focus of all your subjects with a single click.

Army builder [edit | edit source]

The player is able to create army and navy templates from the armed services production screen. This allows the player to designate the limerick of army/navy stacks, which they tin then relieve and identify in individual provinces, assuming they have sufficient manpower and money, making it easier to mass-produce armies/navies. The production volition happen sequentially in the province, or across adjacent provinces. Regiments raised in neighboring provinces will automatically movement to the initially targeted province and merge.

Declare war in back up of rebels [edit | edit source]

Nations tin now declare war in support of a rebel faction they're supporting within another country. Subsequently doing so, they cannot abolish supporting the rebels until the war is over. Using this "back up rebels" casus belli, one may enforce the rebels demands on the defeated enemy.

Fight for your subjects [edit | edit source]

It is now possible to button one's subjects' casus belli. And so for example, if your vassal has a claim on a border province, you can now declare war on behalf of your vassal using that CB.

Client states [edit | edit source]

Main commodity: Client state

Bachelor at Diplomatic Technology 22, client states may be created on cored or un-cored land that either has a land connectedness to your capital, or is in the aforementioned continent equally it. Their coat of arms, color, government and proper name tin can be customized. Provinces can only be added to a customer state if they straight neighbor its existing provinces, though straits are exempt from this. The well-nigh Client States a country may have is ten.

Religious League Wars [edit | edit source]

To allow for the 30 years' war to be reproduced, later 1550 and if there is a Protestant elector (also as a few other factors), religious leagues can be formed. The leader of the Protestant side volition be the newly-Protestant elector, though it can change. The leader of the Cosmic side volition be the current Emperor. Anyone can join either league, even if they're not in the HRE, or any of the religions (east.g. the Ottomans commonly enter on the side of the Protestants). This allows for huge, continent spanning wars. If the war drags on for too long, a peace treaty is usually made which allows for both to religions to be elected. If the Protestant league wins, the league leader becomes the Emperor and Catholics cannot get the Emperor or Electors — they can starting time another league war, though. If there is no war for more than 30 years or it is by 1650, the Emperor's faith is declared the sole religion of the HRE and all states with this religion gain several bonuses, namely an increment in Legitimacy, Missionary Forcefulness and Tolerance of their ain religion, with Protestants getting a slightly larger bonus to represent the greater difficulty they face in achieving it. If a league war drags on long enough, instead the Peace of Westphalia event occurs which allows any Christian to become emperor. Finally, an Emperor whose religion is official will get bonuses in gaining Imperial Dominance and to their ability to pass reforms, putting the Empire on a fast track towards unification.

Cancelling Idea Groups [edit | edit source]

You now accept the power to cancel Idea Groups, refunding ten% of the price you paid. This likewise takes into account any modifiers to idea costs you had.

Giving upwardly Cores [edit | edit source]

You lot can now surrender your cores on provinces. This costs 10 prestige to practice, however.

Revolutionary Targets [edit | edit source]

See too: Disasters#Revolution

In the second half of the 18th century whatever country in Europe that ends up in a rough condition may experience a Revolution and become the revolutionary target. Across the Revolutionary name and flag, this nation will receive significant bonuses and a large score boost, which can make it dangerous to push button a country too far in the era of revolutions. They can be targeted by other monarchs who wish to finish the spread of this revolution, and the revolutionary target gains a new CB to use on monarch countries, to spread the revolution.

Costless features [edit | edit source]

Complimentary Features for the accompanying patch includes: Completely new rebel mechanic, local autonomy on province level, a replacement for the current cardinal organization for Catholics, new reformation mechanics and a huge map improvement, making the rest of the world equally detailed equally Europe. There are lots of interface, AI and gameplay enhancements. When it comes to the map, Paradox has worked closely with the best map-modders in the community, and this plain completely revolutionizes play exterior of Europe.

New Reformation Mechanics [edit | edit source]

Instead of there existence a chance of provinces turning to Protestantism/Reformed faith, there are now "Centers of Reformation", which are hubs for the spread of the Protestant and Reformed faiths. A Center of Reformation is created for the starting time three countries to convert to Protestantism and Reformed Protestantism, respectively, and will exist in their provinces spreading their faith to the surrounding provinces unless the province holding the Center of Reformation is conquered and then converted to another religion.

Primal system [edit | edit source]

At that place can now exist upward to 50 cardinals in state of the vatican city. New cardinals are added automatically and they are prioritized according to its dwelling house country's size and wealth.

Papal influence tin now be used for other types of benefits, such as ducats, legitimacy, stability and prestige. For example: thirty PI gives 100 ducats, lxxx PI gives +i stability, etc.

The Papal State itself tin can't get cardinals nor papal influence but is still able to become the papal controller.

Map Overhaul [edit | edit source]

  • Arabia: Arabia has been overhauled to contain more than provinces, and to better show how important merchandise and the coastal provinces are. There are now more defined wastelands, for more realistic military wars. At that place is now a new state, "Shammar".
  • Arab republic of egypt: Arab republic of egypt has been overhauled to show how of import the Nile was to people who lived in that location, and how heavily populated its banks were. There are many more provinces on the river, and in general Egypt is more detailed. A new land nearby is Shia Makuria.
  • The Levant and Mesopotamia: Created a more detailed and realistic area, i.e. a lot more provinces and details added. Two countries were added too: Bhotan, which doesn't be but has cores on Qara Qoyunlu's lands, and Lebanon, which also has cores there.
  • Anatolia: A few more non-existent countries are added to the Ottoman lands (Germiyan and Eretna), which tin be released. The residue of the surface area is mainly pocket-sized Turkish states, nearly certainly nearly to be annexed by the Ottomans. This is to set the foundation of one of the greatest empires of this period.
  • Maghreb: The Maghreb has undergone a lot of modify: Algiers does not exist, replaced mostly by Tlemcen. Morocco has been expanded slightly to the S, besides as having a path leading to the Heart of Africa. Many new tribes were added, such equally Mzab (the simply Ibadi theocracy at game start), Touggourt, and Fezzan. Tripoli does not exist any more, but is now a formable nation by the surrounding nations. Morocco and Tunisia tin also exist formed if they cease to exist. Another path was added to central Africa, due south of Fezzan. Morocco now has a lot of dead nations' cores on their land, allowing for more interesting revolts and conflicts in the area.
  • North America: Tribes are now more isolated, many more new provinces, so ane tribe doesn't only quickly gobble up all their neighbours
  • Mesoamerica: Mesoamerica has been completely overhauled, with a much more than celebrated start now. The Aztecs are a rapidly expanding alliance,
  • The Mayas: The country of Maya has been reworked much like Mesoamerica, i.e. split up up into a more celebrated fashion.
  • Key America and The Caribbean: Though there are no new nations here, at that place are a lot more than provinces to colonize.
  • Western North America: There are now a lot more provinces to colonize, as well equally more native tribes.

Map modes [edit | edit source]

The Manpower, Trade Value and Missionary map modes were removed since they weren't useful enough. In their identify came:

  • Fort Level, showing the level of the fort in each province
  • Local Autonomy, supporting this new feature
  • Simple Terrain, with a colour for each terrain type, compared to Terrain which shows a realistic view of the terrain.

Some other map modes received updates:

  • Player mapmode shows vassals, protectorates and colonies, with the same color as their overlord.
  • Sphere of Influence and Economic map modes were besides reworked.

Local autonomy [edit | edit source]

Provinces now have a modifier chosen autonomy which replaces the revolt adventure mechanic. Increasing autonomy will penalize the economic and military output of the province but will subtract unrest.

Usually it is natural to increment autonomy in freshly acquired provinces to overcome unrest from separatism.

Information technology is a per-province variable that ranges from 0 to 100%, and represents how freely the province operates from central authority. The college the autonomy, the less tax income, production income, and manpower the province provides, and missionary piece of work and recruitment is slowed down. However, the autonomy of the province will likewise reduce unrest in the province.

Every 30 years the player can cull to lower or increase autonomy. Doing and then will decrease or increase autonomy by 25%, and add or remove 10 unrest. Autonomy also goes down passively by 1 point per yr while at peace (depending on government blazon), and goes up by i signal per year while occupied. Acquisition a non-core province will increase autonomy in the province by 50% unless the acquisition nation has a merits, in which case it volition only increase past forty%.

Hordes tin can never get below 25% autonomy, and Ming cannot go below 50% when using the Celestial Empire government form.

Overseas colony provinces can non go below 75% autonomy.

Unrest & rebels [edit | edit source]

Revolt risk is replaced past unrest, which reduces the randomness inherent in the current organisation. Rather than rebels having a chance to rising each month, each rebel faction has a progress bar which has a chance to increment each month based on the unrest in provinces aligned with the faction. When this progress bar hits 100% the faction will ascent in the aligned provinces, in strength proportional to the back up it has in those provinces. When this happens, unrest will exist reduced in the aligned provinces, and the progress bar reset to 0.

Unrest likewise increases recruitment times in the province.

This organisation is meant to encourage the utilise of courthouses, employing theologians, and other methods of reducing unrest in order to slow downward rebel factions. The harsh treatment mechanic volition target specific factions rather than provinces, reducing faction progress at the cost of military points.

Accepting the demands of rebels will be equivalent to them enforcing their demands. Players will no longer be able to escape the worst effects of rebels simply by giving into a few relatively pocket-sized demands.

Rebels volition lift the fog of state of war for nations they're friendly with, and so if you back up rebels in a strange nation, or if they're aligned with you for cultural reasons, y'all'll be able to discover what actually happens one time they rise.

Rebels can now move beyond single body of water zones if they've occupied everything on their side of the sea. As an example, the rebels in Gotland in 1444 may move to Skåne to actually threaten the Danish establishment. Blockading the port of the province they're in prevents this.

New provinces [edit | edit source]

Over 900 non-European provinces have been added to the game (and a few in Europe), along with over 100 new nations. Prc, India, and Due north America have been essentially expanded, while Indonesia, Due west Africa, Meso- and S America accept been completely revamped.

New Brotherhood calling mechanic [edit | edit source]

By default all of the allies of the defender will accept double war-score costs for demands. However they can also not call their allies. Just Co-belligerents (equally specified by the aggressor from the allies of the defender) and the defending nation, tin phone call their allies into war. This means that the chain mechanic no longer works. The Aggressor cannot designate co-belligerents on their own side, and therefore information technology volition always be double toll for a defender to send demands to any nation other than the Aggressor attacking them.

Merchandise appurtenances [edit | edit source]

With all the new provinces added to the game, the developers felt a need for more trade goods. Thus, three were added as follows:

Silk, that the player will notice in highly developed regions throughout the Center East, Persia, India, South East Asia and China.

Dyes, found in provinces in Republic of india and Persia in the old earth. Every bit the new world opens up alternative sources of dyes may also open up there.

Tropical Wood, primarily be produced by jungle provinces in Republic of india, South East Asia, Indonesia, Africa and Due south America.

I province, one terrain [edit | edit source]

Instead of having a % adventure of fighting in a sure type of terrain, each province now has one specific terrain which it will always use when battles are fought at that place. Rivers are now besides more divers in where they run from, and there is a tooltip at the acme right of the Province data screen.

New appurtenances price mechanics [edit | edit source]

Now, instead of having "supply and need" modifiers that are updated regularly, trade goods are at fixed prices, changed only past global events. For example, slaves are not worth much until the European powers offset colonizing, which will cause the Triangle Trade event to fire, making them worth much more than.

Major DLC changes [edit | edit source]

  • The transfer occupation feature was integrated into the base of operations game as part of patch 1.28.1. The feature allows nations to give up control over provinces they occupy to their allies in war. The AI will transfer the occupation of provinces they don't want to the war leader. This feature will brand information technology possible to ensure that nations are rewarded for their participation in the war[3].

Dev diaries [edit | edit source]

Master commodity: Programmer diaries

All developer diaries near the Art of State of war expansion, patch 1.8 and patch 1.9.

Patch one.9
No. Championship and Link Description Date
12 Disasters, New Ideas and Other Gratuitous Features New disasters system and the idea groups added in the patch 2014-12-05
11 New Achievements Information about xx new achievements that will be added in the patch, mostly focusing on countries that currently lack of unique achievements 2014-11-28
Patch 1.viii
No. Title and Link Description Engagement
10 Achievements, Auto Transport and South America 10th dev diary about automated fleet transport, miscellaneous mechanics changes, new achievements and the map changes in South America, East Africa and southward Russia 2014-10-24
9 Revolutions, 1618 Bookmark and North America Ninth dev diary about the French Revolution and revolutions in other countries, the 30 Years War bookmark, new historical events and the map changes in North America 2014-x-17
8 Sorties, Terrain and the Maghreb Eighth dev diary about the new sortie and terrain mechanics, abandoning idea groups and cores, the alter from a supply-and-need merchandise organization, and map changes in the Maghreb 2014-ten-10
seven Religious Leagues, The Reformation and the Well-nigh East Seventh dev diary about the new HRE and reformation mechanics, and map changes in the Well-nigh Eastward 2014-10-03
6 Client States, Allied Transports and Central Asia Sixth dev diary about custom client states, allied transports, improved battle displays, and the remapping of Central Asia and Siberia 2014-09-26
5 Diplomacy, Catholics and Southeast Asia & Indonesia Fifth dev diary virtually diplomacy, revamping the Curia, and map changes to Indochina and Republic of indonesia 2014-09-19
4 Army Builder, Rebel Relocation and China Quaternary dev diary nearly regular army management, rebels on islands, and East Asian map changes 2014-09-12
3 Military Cooperation, Tradegoods & W Africa Third dev diary about directing allies in war, new trade goods, and West African map changes 2014-09-05
two Marches, Unrest & Persia Second dev diary almost vassals, revolts, and Persian map 2014-08-29
i Fleets, Autonomy & India A detailed dev diary of the third major expansion 2014-08-22

List of new national ideagroups in patch 1.8.

No. Nations and Links Date
21 Ruthenian, Caucasian, Central Indic, Pacific Northwestern, Sumatran, Swahili, Guajiro, Siberian, Mesoamerican 2014-ten-29
20 Client State, West African, Andean, Aymaran, Tupi 2014-10-28
19 Circassia, Lan Xang, Khiva, Bahmanis, Habsan, Jaunpur, Hamburg 2014-10-27
18 Armenia, Wales, Hausan, Guarani, Charrua 2014-10-26
17 Kiev, Naxos, Tapuia, Pomerania, Kazan 2014-10-25
16 Chimu, Muisca, Chachapoya, Teutonic Order, Bulgaria 2014-10-24
North/A England, Castile, Portugal, Austria (changes) 2014-10-23
xv Mughals & Timurids, Ashanti, Mapuche, Inca 2014-10-23
xiv Finland, Albania, Polotsk, Perm 2014-10-22
xiii Montenegro, Romania, Athens, Gotland 2014-10-21
12 Mossi & Yatenga, Sokoto, Moldavia 2014-10-twenty
11 Smolensk, Bosnia, Moldavia, Air 2014-10-19
10 Yaroslavl, Pskov, Tarasca 2014-10-xviii
ix Cracow, Ajuuraan, Ryazan, Tver 2014-10-17
8 Theodoro, Silesia, Danzig 2014-10-16
7 Aztecs, Dahomey, Kanem Bornu 2014-10-15
6 Republic of croatia, Cyprus, Navarra 2014-10-14
5 Majapahit & Sunda, Afghanistan, Wallachia 2014-ten-13
4 Georgia 2014-ten-12
iii Trebizond 2014-10-xi
2 Mogadishu 2014-ten-x
ane Provence 2014-10-09

References [edit | edit source]

  1. Forum, Eu4: Art of War - Announcement Information, 2014-08-14
  2. Forum, i.viii - Checksum 7d1c, 2014-10-30
  3. Forum, Developer Diary - Golden Century Feedback & Changes, 2018-12-06.


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